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Showing posts with the label toxic work culture

How to Cleanly Quit a Toxic and Nasty Organization

Working in a toxic and nasty organization is really a test--- a lesson. Nasty organization sucks all the energy from you, transforming you as a “living dead”. My previous article,   Toxic and  Toxic and Nasty Work Environment: Three Ways to Survive and Excel ,  helped you identify those hostile, toxic, and nasty organizations, their working, and the ways to successfully survive if you're in such an organization.  In short, nasty organizations are those where the work environment is in its worst form. Leaving a nasty organization is a challenging job, more difficult than working there. You are a very good and real performer and believe in hard work, integrity, and dedication towards your organization. But your organization treats you like a slave. A slave has to work hard but cannot demand any right. Your managers are your masters. It is for sure that some inevitable compulsions are causing you to be there. The most crucial of them is your financial nee...

Toxic and Nasty Work Environment: Three Ways to Survive and Excel

Good Morning!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           You are entering your office, staggering, dragging your feet. You look awfully tired, even though you have yet to start your work. Your face looks pale and li...