It's interesting, really interesting, when I received a mail from LinkedIn to write something on #IfIWere22. Interesting in the sense as it's just a wish, an impossible desire. How can I be 22 again after crossing it more than 22 years ago? The time is something that cannot be retrieved. But #IfIWere22 hash-tag took me back to when I was 22. I never thought about it in so much depth before. That period was the most hectic phase of my life. Some of you might be wondering; but comparing to my present, or any past, the period of my 22 was the most engaging. I was doing my Bachelors from an evening college. My father was running an average-size construction company. I was my father's driver, secretary, office manager, business manger, procurement and finance incharge, and everything. I was with my father when I was just 19. So I had gained quite an experience at 22, making me more busy than ever. My day used to start at 4 a.m. in summers and 5:30 a.m. in winte...
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