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Improve Your Communication by Improving Yourself: I Don't Need to!

What comes in our mind when we hear the word “Communication”? Many, especially professionals, take communication as the exchange of information; verbal, written, unwritten, digital, or any other form. We always make attempts to improve our “information exchange” capabilities, called communication skills, don’t we?
Is communication all about exchange of information? Does communication consist of some countable actions? Is communication a deliberate act? Communication is a broader term; might be broader than our imagination. Communication, in fact, is how you present yourself to people and how they perceive you, and their action or reaction according to their perception . The major player is you. It’s you that communicate what you are. Communication skills that we normally want to improve are a tiny part of this huge domain. Until and unless you improve yourself, improving a tiny part of you is a useless effort. It must be remembered that every bit of you communicates something about you every time, whether you are awake or sleeping.
 Following are some of the examples from daily life to explain how "you", as whole, are a Communication. With each example, I have attached my personal feelings (but don’t tell anybody …..Confidential!).

Your Dress:

Your dress is a silent spokesman of you. Your neat and clean look, dress choice, matching and wonderfully selected neck-tie announce that you are a sober person of highly professional mind, and very serious about your office and work. Your right dress leaves very positive impression on your colleagues, seniors, peers, sub-ordinates, clients, and on everybody who meets you or sees you. In fact, the first impression of you, in office or anywhere, is your dress.
Between you and me:  I love to go to office in a casual dress. I consider it a nonsense waste of time to spend an hour or so in the morning to select a dress, and that nonsense neck-tie. I’m going to work, not to a fashion show or on a date! I think I can work better in  jeans and T-shirt than a two or three piece suit. And let me tell you! I hate that neck-tie. It looks a loop around the neck. Really, when I see someone wearing a neck-tie, I wish I pull that hanging piece of rope with a powerful jerk. So stupid is this thing! And the face above it!

Your Entry to Your office:

Your entry to your office building tells a lot about you. Your tiresome and dead posture and your empty greetings to your office mates communicate that you’re not fit for the day's work. People there are right to opine that you have lack of confidence and commitment.
Between you and me:  If I stagger and my mood is off when I enter my office in the morning, then don’t take it serious. This is my original style. And listen! I hate my office and my boss (Shshsh….Don’t tell anybody!)

Your Desk and Your Room:

If your office and your desk are clean, tidy, and clutter-free, you will be considered an organized person. Everybody who comes by, quickly assumes that you do your work well in time and schedule, and that you are a punctual professional. If you have placed some flower bouquets on or near your desk and your office, and your room is fragrant, it’s a clear indication of your aesthetic sense, a pleasant addition to your personality.
Between you and me:  What the hell is this? If I keep my room and desk free of any clutter, people will assume I have no work to do. How would they believe I am a very busy person? I love to scatter papers and files on my table and always searching something in them. Whenever you see me, you will find me reading a file or finding something in the heap. And wait! Why flower bouquets on my desk? It’s not a garden; it’s an office room and desk. I personally don’t believe on these useless ideas.

Your Visits to the Office Toilet:

Smiling?? Nooo it’s a very serious matter. The frequency of your use of your office toilet indicates something about you. If you go to the toilet after every hour or after every couple of hours, people around you and your seniors will think you are hiding from your office responsibilities. Same is the case with your time you used to spend in the toilet. This high toilet-use frequency surely leaves a negative impression about you.
Between you and me: I just love my office toilet. What a cool and peaceful place! Whenever I join a new job, my first priority is to have a room with a peaceful attached toilet. Toilet is the place where I forget about the office pressures and my **** boss. I don’t care what people say when I run to the toilet after every hour. It’s my human and basic need and right, after all!

Your Sleep:

Yes, you also communicate while you’re sleeping. How? For example, you have to complete some very urgent office work, you have brought with you, in the night; to be submitted early in the morning. You come to home very tired and do not touch the pending work and go to sleep. Your boss calls you at 11 or 12 in the night to know how it’s going. Your wife tells him you’re sleeping. What immediate impression have you developed while you’re sleeping? A very negative one, of course. Or if you are found sleeping on your desk or in a meeting. What message have you sent to others? There are countless examples where your untimely sleep signals much about you.
Between you and me: Hey, I am a human being, not a machine. If my ***** boss thinks I’ll work for him by sacrificing my sleep, he is a *****. I always believe on one thing when I bring some office work to home, there is always a tomorrow there. I damn care about what he or anybody else will think about me. The activity I most like of all is to have a deep and wonderful sleep.

Your Driving:

Your driving is a very vivid indicator about how much composed, patient, and going-by-rules you are. Your fellow travelers and other people on the road make an instant opinion about you when you are driving. This is yet another emitting of communication from you. Your driving is a test to reveal about your level of tolerance and care about others.
Between you and me: Tolerance? Patience? Care? How can you be patient and observing the rules when all those lunatics are unleashed on the road? I think people who are cool in driving don’t have a brain. And I simply cannot bear if a crazy boy overtakes me in a speeding car. It becomes a matter of life and death to beat his speed and show him a ***** sign. Look look at that idiot lady! She must be hanged in public. This is not her dad’s road. Sorry!

Your Relationship with Your Neighbors:

If you are a good neighbor, taking care of your entire neighborhood, then you’re a committed person with your work, and surely a very caring employee. If someone observes how you treat your neighbors, he/she would conclude about how you would be at your workplace.
Between you and me: Personally, I’m a very fine person and try to be kind with my neighbors. But, truly speaking, I am utterly sick of my neighbors. I’m unlucky I have a neighborhood of the world’s most useless and uncaring people. How can I be nice with Mr. **** who daily parks his car in my gate’s mouth? I’m kind enough bearing this. But I’ll open his head one day, I tell you!

Be always on alert! There continues a live stream of communication from you, about you, whether you're doing anything or doing nothing. If you are successful to maintain this communication flow positive, you will be successful to sharpen your needed communication skills to ultimate limits. The point to remember is that communication is not some selected skills! The Communication is YOU
Between you and me: I have outstanding communication skills. People are jealous of me. They say I cannot stay long anywhere because of my ill behavior. These idiots don’t know how much I’m in demand because of my superb communication skills. That’s why I frequently change my jobs. Poor people!

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Improve Your Communication by Improving Yourself: I Don't Need to!
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This post was first published on Linkedin and then


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