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What Would I Do if I Were 22

It's interesting, really interesting, when I received a mail from LinkedIn to write something on #IfIWere22. Interesting in the sense as it's just a wish, an impossible desire. How can I be 22 again after crossing it more than 22 years ago? The time is something that cannot be retrieved. 
But #IfIWere22 hash-tag took me back to when I was 22. I never thought about it in so much depth before. That period was the most hectic phase of my life. Some of you might be wondering; but comparing to my present, or any past, the period of my 22 was the most engaging.
I was doing my Bachelors from an evening college. My father was running an average-size construction company. I was my father's driver, secretary, office manager, business manger, procurement and finance incharge, and everything. I was with my father when I was just 19. So I had gained quite an experience at 22, making me more busy than ever.
My day used to start at 4 a.m. in summers and 5:30 a.m. in winters, and it would end 12 at midnight in every season. After going through and completing some of the mixed left-over last night work, I would take a light breakfast. My first task was to drop my younger brothers and sister at their school. I had to pick and drop them daily. 
Then would start my official field work. It would include visiting our clients' offices, our projects (I would stay, sometimes, for day or two at a project if it is a distant one). It also would include other numerous activities, related to projects.
At around 4 p.m., I would come to my home and depart for the college. After returning from college, I had to check the homework of the kids, prepare them for tomorrow, and then would engage in my own college work. 12 midnight was my sleep time, rightly expecting a more busy day ahead.
Waking up well before sunrise, I used to complete some incomplete office work. For example drafting some important letters, reports, giving final touches to some bids, and so many others, latter on to be presented to my father.
I was also the "Facilities Manager" of my home. I had to arrange to fix everything, like any electric work, plumbing problem, an out-of-order equipment , and dozens of such things. I also had to visit markets and other places regularly to purchase something or to handle any other task for our company.
I had two elder brothers. The eldest was an electronic engineer and employed and posted in another city. The other one was doing his civil engineering, and because of his tough studies, he was spared to focus on them. But he also used to help us here and there.     
Hearing all about what I was at 22, you would be wondering what my father used to do when I was doing all that? Just a short answer to that! I was assisting my father. You can assume the extent of work-load he was bearing.
My father is a self-made and had been a very very hard-working person. He has a tough past. He is an extraordinary truthful and sincere human being. Now he is 79 and retired from every activity. He suffered countless losses and faced extreme difficulties because of his extraordinary pure nature. Let me tell you a secret! The real power and motivation behind all the hard work that we were doing or are doing, and what my father did in the past, was the personality of my mother. I find no words to portray her personality. She is a great lady, simple!
I cannot be of 22 again. Bust just assume if I can go back, what I would do would be all that I had done when I was 22. I have an old wish for that time---More focus on my studies.
22 is an age where a young individual either has just entered their practical life, or engaged in their final studies and thinking and planning about their future. It's an age between carelessness and concern. Carelessness as a part of this age's mind-frame, and concern about the future. It's an age of desires, dreams, to do something, enthusiasm, and energy. It's the age level where one has all the wish to conquer everything. What this age normally lacks is experience, passion, wisdom, vision, and coolness.  
Here is something from me to all 22s and near to that age.;
  •  If you're still in study. Don't compromise on it at any cost. Study must be your main focus.  If you're working somewhere along with your study, you have to do justice with both of your responsibilities. Study, however, should be your central desire.
  • If you're working; love your work, do it with full devotion, and avoid any casual approach to discharge your duties. Casual approach normally is a part of this age.
  • At your work place, always respect your seniors, don't engage in arguments with your seniors, especially with your boss.
  • Be kind  and behave decently everywhere and at your workplace as well. Try to look sober and adopt patience to bear hard words or moments.
  • Respect, from your heart, all your elders, specially your parents. Carefully listen to their advice and guidance. These advises are the most sincere ones you will ever find. Remember, the guidance and advice from your parents and your elders, will prove to be the blessings for your coming life and career. Experience has no substitute and what they tell you is based on their life experiences. Same is true for your workplace seniors. 
  • Serve your parents like a slave, because they served you like a slave when you were in need. Be very loving and caring to your brothers and sisters. Serving your parents and loving and caring your siblings will make you a superb human being and a successful professional. Your siblings are your strength and arms. They will help you and would share your pains when you need help.
  • Be obedient to your parents. if they tell you to do a work, just do it. if they refrain you from doing something, don't do it. It's all in your benefit, and you would understand it as you grow. Spare your time to spend it generously with your parents and family members. Create small occasions of happiness, like a special party for something, going to a park or beach, and all like that.  
  • Strengthen all your relationships, especially blood relations. Strong blood relations will always keep you strong whenever you need the strength.
  • Always try to love and help others. If you adopt this as your habit and nature at this age, it'll benefit you in multiple and unbelievable ways in future. But your intention to help must be purely clear of any expected returns. All the great people had and have this quality, dominating their lives. 
  • Love the nature. Love greenery, love trees, love flowers, love birds, love butterflies, love animals, and above all, love humans. Loving nature will enrich you not only to be an excellent human being, but with the quality and energy to accept and fight challenges in your coming life. it's a divine gift.
  • ********************************************************** 
    In your dreams, if you go to your 22, or if you are 22 or just reaching it, what would you do or want to do?  Please share your thoughts!
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    This post was first published on Linkedin 


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